Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 11, 2013

So a neat experience as of late! Sister Mills and I met D, who is Catholic, and he is doing an internship here at the Community of Christ church. He gives tours of the Joseph Smith sites. He is awesomesauce! Sister Mills and I gave him a tour in the Visitors' Center a while ago and we established a contact with him and have been emailing him. He is reading the Book of Mormon but hasn't prayed about it yet. We invited him to come to the Pageant with us and he actually CAME last night when all of the sisters got to see it. He said we could call him at 6:30am on Sunday so he can make it to church by 7:40am! haha! He is so great! He just wants to learn a little bit more. I can see Heavenly Father working through us "by small and simple means" to bring about something "great" (Alma 37:6).
He liked the Pageant. good sign. :) I LOVE Pageant! It is the most powerful play ever!!!!!! Why? Because all of the events are true because of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ; that gospel being restored through my friend Joseph Smith.

This week my testimony was strengthened of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that Christ knows our hearts and desires. He knows what it feels like to sacrifice. In the True to the Faith, it talks about how with an eternal perspective, sacrifice doesn't seem like a
sacrifice at all. I have come to understand that so fully as a missionary and representative of the Lord. I am not sure how Christ felt about His infinite and intimate Atonement, but I know that He had a perfect eternal perspective. I know He sacrificed because He loves us. My favorite part of the week is partaking of the Sacrament each Sunday. That is the renewal that I need. There is nothing like it. Here in Nauvoo, during the passing of the sacrament, it is silent. Last year as I was thinking about the Savior's sacrifice, I listened to the cups dropping back into the trays. I closed my eyes and to me, it sounded like "great drops of blood" falling to the ground. That Hymn "This is the Christ" says, "How many drops of blood were spilled for me?". It always makes me wonder. I am so grateful to have a Savior and to know Him. How do you feel about Jesus Christ?

Gots to go! The church is true and I love you!
-Sister Zibetti

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